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Evaluation of Tool-based Gesture Extractions

Published: 08 September 2019 Publication History


There are different approaches in the literature for proposals for gestures are collected from potential users and then combined into a gesture set by considering different criteria (e.g. popularity of gestures). The effort for such surveys is high and thus the samples often accordingly low. In this paper we describe the process of gesture extraction, which is supported by our online service GestureNote, as well as the results of its first evaluation with the help of inexperienced users (i.e. beginners in working on the design of gestures and the use of GestureNote). A total of 30 students took part in the study. All test persons successfully carried out the desired a guessability study, which shows that the primary concepts are appropriate. The results suggest adjustments to the classification of gestures, e.g. by adding a weighting factor to the formula for the calculation of the agreement rate.


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MuC '19: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2019
September 2019
863 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 08 September 2019


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Author Tags

  1. Evaluierung
  2. Gesten-Extraktion
  3. Nutzerzentriertes Gesten-Design
  4. Werkzeuggestützte Erratbarkeitsstudien


  • Short-paper
  • Research
  • Refereed limited

Funding Sources

  • This research was financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the program ?Forschung an Fachhochschulen ? IngenieurNachwuchs?


MuC'19: Mensch-und-Computer
September 8 - 11, 2019
Hamburg, Germany


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