Cited By
View all- Wagner LHauptmann BHoffmann AJochems NSchmeier BSchrader AKohlmann TDeck R(2022)Evaluation of an individualized, tablet-based physiotherapy training programme for patients with Parkinson’s disease: the ParkProTrain study, a quasi-randomised controlled trialBMC Neurology10.1186/s12883-022-02647-922:1Online publication date: 14-May-2022
- Wagner LDeck R(2021)Implementierung eines individualisierbaren tabletbasierten Trainingsprogramms im Anschluss an eine Parkinson-Komplexbehandlung in der Häuslichkeit – Erfolgsfaktoren und BarrierenImplementation of an individualized tablet-based training program in the domestic setting following complex treatment of Parkinson’s disease—Success factors and barriersDer Nervenarzt10.1007/s00115-021-01202-093:6(583-591)Online publication date: 7-Oct-2021