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Towards the improvement of natural language requirements descriptions: the C&L tool

Published: 30 March 2020 Publication History


A natural language-based requirements specification tends to be full of requirements that are ambiguous, unnecessarily complicated, missing, wrong, duplicated or conflicting. Poor quality requirements often compromise the subsequent software construction activities (e.g. planning, design, coding or testing). A strategy for requirements quality evaluation should enable a faster requirements analysis, highlight defect indicators and incorporate also fix recommendations to help practitioners to effectively improve their requirements. In this paper we brief describe a Natural Language Processing and Petri-Net strategy for automated analysis of scenario-driven requirements named C&L prototype tool. The C&L evaluates structural (Static analysis) aspects of scenarios and behavioral aspects (Dynamic analysis) of equivalent Petri-Nets. The feasibility of the C&L is evaluated in four projects described as use cases, which indicates promising results (the overall precision was 93.5% and the recalls were perfect).


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Cited By

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  • (2024)Early analysis of requirements using NLP and Petri-netsJournal of Systems and Software10.1016/j.jss.2023.111901208:COnline publication date: 1-Feb-2024
  • (2023)Mapeo sistemático de la literatura sobre los malos olores en los requisitos de desarrollo de softwareRevista Facultad de Ingeniería10.19053/01211129.v32.n63.2023.1523332:63(e15233)Online publication date: 9-Feb-2023
  • (2021)Text mining tool for translating terms of contract into technical specifications: Development and application in the railway sectorComputers in Industry10.1016/j.compind.2020.103357124(103357)Online publication date: Jan-2021

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  1. Towards the improvement of natural language requirements descriptions: the C&L tool



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    Published: 30 March 2020


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    1. analysis
    2. automation
    3. quality
    4. requirement
    5. scenario
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    • (2024)Early analysis of requirements using NLP and Petri-netsJournal of Systems and Software10.1016/j.jss.2023.111901208:COnline publication date: 1-Feb-2024
    • (2023)Mapeo sistemático de la literatura sobre los malos olores en los requisitos de desarrollo de softwareRevista Facultad de Ingeniería10.19053/01211129.v32.n63.2023.1523332:63(e15233)Online publication date: 9-Feb-2023
    • (2021)Text mining tool for translating terms of contract into technical specifications: Development and application in the railway sectorComputers in Industry10.1016/j.compind.2020.103357124(103357)Online publication date: Jan-2021

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