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Unproductive Help-seeking in Programming: What it is and How to Address it

Published: 15 June 2020 Publication History


While programming, novices often lack the ability to effectively seek help, such as when to ask for a hint or feedback. Students may avoid help when they need it, or abuse help to avoid putting in effort, and both behaviors can impede learning. In this paper we present two main contributions. First, we investigated log data from students working in a programming environment that offers automated hints, and we propose a taxonomy of unproductive help-seeking behaviors in programming. Second, we used these findings to design a novel user interface for hints that subtly encourages students to seek help with the right frequency, estimated with a data-driven algorithm. We conducted a pilot study to evaluate our data-driven (DD) hint display, compared to a traditional interface, where students request hints on-demand as desired. We found students with the DD display were less than half as likely to engage in unproductive help-seeking, and we found suggestive evidence that this may improve their learning.


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Published: 15 June 2020


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