Welcome to ACM ICTIR 2019, the 5th conference with that name to be fully sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR), and the 9th International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval. This year's conference continues its tradition of being the premier forum for presentation of research on theoretical and foundational aspects of Information Retrieval (IR).
We are also happy to welcome you to Silicon Valley and Santa Clara University. Silicon Valley has a number of strong and vibrant IR groups in academia and industry, which are successfully engaged in both theoretical and practical work. Santa Clara University is the oldest operating institution of higher learning in California and the west coast of the United States. We believe that the university setting is ideal for stimulating ideas, discussion, and collaborations to come.
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval