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PaperWork: Exploring the Potential of Electronic Paper on Office Work

Published: 23 September 2019 Publication History


Electronic paper (e-paper) is a display technology that aims to imitate conventional paper. Currently most e-paper applications on handheld devices are restricted to digital book readers. Few studies explore the potential of e-paper on input oriented applications. In this paper, we introduce a novel e-paper application PaperWork, which allows users to offload their commonly used office applications from a PC to an e-paper device remotely. There are considerable challenges when building a system for a resource constrained e-paper device which we will highlight in this work. In addition to presenting a new e-paper system we also conduct a usability study of this system.


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cover image ACM Conferences
DocEng '19: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2019
September 2019
254 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 September 2019


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DocEng '19: ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2019
September 23 - 26, 2019
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  • (2023)Eliciting Insights from Chat Logs of the 25x5 Symposium to Reduce Documentation Burden: A Novel Application of Topic Modeling (Preprint)Journal of Medical Internet Research10.2196/45645Online publication date: 11-Jan-2023
  • (2021)Bitmap Vectorization Conversion Method in Graphic Design with OpenGL Framework2021 Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA)10.1109/ICIRCA51532.2021.9544882(1468-1471)Online publication date: 2-Sep-2021

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