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An Attentional-LSTM for Improved Classification of Brain Activities Evoked by Images

Published: 15 October 2019 Publication History


Multimedia stimulation of brain activities is not only becoming an emerging area for intensive research, but also achieved significant progresses towards classification of brain activities and interpretation of brain understanding of multimedia content. To exploit the characteristics of EEG signals in capturing human brain activities, we propose a region-dependent and attention-driven bi-directional LSTM network (RA-BiLSTM) for image evoked brain activity classification. Inspired by the hemispheric lateralization of human brains, the proposed RA-BiLSTM extracts additional information at regional level to strengthen and emphasize the differences between two hemispheres. In addition, we propose a new attentional-LSTM by adding an extra attention gate to: (i) measure and seize the importance of channel-based spatial information, and (ii) support the proposed RA-BiLSTM to capture the dynamic correlations hidden from both the past and the future in the current state across EEG sequences. Extensive experiments are carried out and the results demonstrate that our proposed RA-BiLSTM not only achieves effective classification of brain activities on evoked image categories, but also significantly outperforms the existing state of the arts.


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MM '19: Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 15 October 2019


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  1. attention-driven lstm
  2. bi-directional computational model
  3. brain activities classification
  4. eeg
  5. region-level information


  • Research-article

Funding Sources

  • the Shenzhen high-level overseas talents program
  • the National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • the Shenzhen Emerging Industries of the Strategic Basic Research Project under Grant
  • the Inlife-Handnet Open Fund
  • the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province


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