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An Empirical Approach to Understanding Data Science and Engineering Education

Published: 18 December 2019 Publication History


As data science is an evolving field, existing definitions reflect this uncertainty with overloaded terms and inconsistency. As a result of the field's fluidity, there is often a mismatch between what data-related programs teach, what employers expect, and the actual tasks data scientists are performing. In addition, the tools available to data scientists are not necessarily the tools being taught; textbooks do not seem to meet curricular needs; and empirical evidence does not seem to support existing program design. Currently, the field appears to be bifurcating into data science (DS) and data engineering (DE), with specific but overlapping roles in the combined data science and engineering (DSE) lifecycle. However, curriculum design has not yet caught up to this evolution. This working group report shows an empirical and data-driven view of the data-related education landscape, and includes several recommendations for both academia and industry that are based on this analysis.


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      ITiCSE-WGR '19: Proceedings of the Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
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