Cited By
View all- Chen LLu CYuan FJiang ZWang LZhang DLuo RFan XWang C(2021)UVLensProceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies10.1145/34634955:2(1-26)Online publication date: 24-Jun-2021
We consider the competition between instance and semantic segmentation in panoptic segmentation to develop the deep chain instance segmentation network (ChaInNet) to mitigate this problem. Segmentation competition is caused by the usual ...
In this paper, we study how to denoise medical ultrasound images and improve the performance of instance segmentation using deep learning technology. Since medical ultrasound images usually contain a lot of noises, we first propose a novel ...
Accurate cell nuclei segmentation is necessary for subsequent histopathology image analysis, including tumour classification, grading and prognosis. Manually identifying cell nuclei is both difficult and time-consuming, with cell nuclei exhibiting ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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