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μIR -An intermediate representation for transforming and optimizing the microarchitecture of application accelerators

Published: 12 October 2019 Publication History


Creating high quality application-specific accelerators requires us to make iterative changes to both algorithm behavior and microarchitecture, and this is a tedious and error-prone process. High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools [5, 10] generate RTL for application accelerators from annotated software. Unfortunately, the generated RTL is challenging to change and optimize. The primary limitation of HLS is that the functionality and microarchitecture are conflated together in a single language (such as C++). Making changes to the accelerator design may require code restructuring, and microarchitecture optimizations are tied with program correctness.
We propose a generalized intermediate representation for describing accelerator microarchitecture, μIR, and an associated pass framework, μopt. μIR represents the accelerator as a concurrent structural graph in which the components roughly correspond to microarchitecture level hardware blocks (e.g., function units, network, memory banks). There are two important benefits i) it decouples microarchitecture optimizations from algorithm/program optimizations. ii) it decouples microarchitecture optimizations from the RTL generation. Computer architects express their ideas as a set of iterative transformations of the μIR graph that successively refine the accelerator architecture. The μIR graph is then translated to Chisel, while maintaining the execution model and cycle-level performance characteristics. In this paper, we study three broad classes of optimizations: Timing (e.g., Pipeline re-timing), Spatial (e.g., Compute tiling), and Higher-order Ops (e.g., Tensor function units) that deliver between 1.5 --- 8× improvement in performance; overall 5---20× speedup compared to an ARM A9 1Ghz. We evaluate the quality of the autogenerated accelerators on an Arria 10 FPGA and under ASIC UMC 28nm technology.


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MICRO '52: Proceedings of the 52nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture
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