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A Wizard of Oz Study on Passengers' Experiences of a Robo-Taxi Service in Real-Life Settings

Published: 03 July 2020 Publication History


Autonomous driving enables new mobility concepts such as shared-autonomous services. Although significant re-search has been done on passenger-car interaction, work on passenger interaction with robo-taxis is still rare. In this paper, we tackle the question of how passengers experience robo-taxis as a service in real-life settings to inform the interaction design. We conducted a Wizard of Oz study with an electric vehicle where the driver was hidden from the passenger to simulate the service experience of a robo-taxi. 10 participants had the opportunity to use the simulated shared-autonomous service in real-life situations for one week. By the week's end, 33 rides were completed and recorded on video. Also, we flanked the study conducting interviews before and after with all participants. The findings provided insights into four design themes that could inform the service design of robo-taxis along the different stages including hailing, pick-up, travel, and drop-off.


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      DIS '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference
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      1. passengers
      2. robo-taxi
      3. service design
      4. shared autonomous vehicles
      5. wizard of oz


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