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Big Data Informatization Applied to Optimization of Human Resource Performance Management

Published: 23 August 2019 Publication History


With the development of technology in the era of digital big data in the network and the promotion of network technology, big data is simultaneously integrated into different industry sectors to achieve Internet performance management, and enhance the new perspective of enterprise human resources performance management activities. Today's Internet, cloud computing, Internet of Things and other industrial technologies have undergone repeated changes, showing an unprecedented picture. At present, the subjective awareness of enterprise human resources performance management is too strong, lack of objective data understanding, and the theoretical framework of big data human resource management is not fully applied. This paper reconstructs the data system from four aspects: data source, collection, integration and analysis. Innovate the human resources performance management method from the system to provide more scientific and specific ideas for human resource performance management.


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  1. Big Data Informatization Applied to Optimization of Human Resource Performance Management



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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    IMMS '19: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Management and Management Sciences
    August 2019
    227 pages
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    • Guilin: Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, China
    • Southwest Jiaotong University


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 23 August 2019


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    1. Big data
    2. human resources
    3. performance management


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    • (2024)Success of cloud computing adoption over an era in human resource management systems: a comprehensive meta-analytic literature reviewManagement Review Quarterly10.1007/s11301-023-00401-0Online publication date: 15-Jan-2024
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