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Multi-Turn Response Selection in Retrieval-Based Chatbots with Iterated Attentive Convolution Matching Network

Published: 03 November 2019 Publication History


Building an intelligent chatbot with multi-turn dialogue ability is a major challenge, which requires understanding the multi-view semantic and dependency correlation among words, n-grams and sub-sequences. In this paper, we investigate selecting the proper response for a context through multi-grained representation and interactive matching. To construct hierarchical representation types of text segments, we propose a refined architecture which exclusively consists of gated dilated-convolution and self-attention. Compared with the recurrent-based sentence modeling methods, this architecture provides more flexibility and a speedup. The matching signals of each utterance-response pair are extracted by integrating the interactive information from different views. Then a turns-aware attention mechanism is utilized to aggregate the matching sequence, so as to identify important utterances and capture the implicit relationship of the whole context. Experiments on two large-scale public data sets show that our model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of all metrics. We empirically provide a thorough ablation test, as well as the comparison of different representation and matching strategies, for a better insight into how each component affects the performance of the model.


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    1. deep neural network
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    3. multi-grained representation
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    5. retrieval-based chatbot


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