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A unifying abstraction for data structure splicing

Published: 30 September 2019 Publication History


Data structure splicing (DSS) refers to reorganizing data structures by merging or splitting them, reordering fields, inlining pointers, etc. DSS has been used, with demonstrated benefits, to improve spatial locality. When data fields that are accessed together are also collocated in the address space, the utilization of hardware caches improves and cache misses decline.
A number of approaches to DSS have been proposed, but each addressed only one or two splicing optimizations (e.g., only splitting or only field reordering) and used an underlying abstraction that could not be extended to include others. Our work proposes a single abstraction, called Data Structure Access Graph (D-SAG), that (a) covers all data-splicing optimizations proposed previously and (b) unlocks new ones. Having a common abstraction has two benefits: (1) It enables us to build a single tool that hosts all DSS optimizations under one roof, eliminating the need to adopt multiple tools. (2) It avoids conflicts: e.g., where one tool suggests to split a data structure in a way that would conflict with another tool's suggestion to reorder fields.
Based on the D-SAG abstraction, we build a toolchain that uses static and dynamic analysis to recommend DSS optimizations to developers. Using this tool, we identify ten benchmarks from the SPEC CPU2017 and PARSEC suites that are amenable to DSS, as well as a workload on RocksDB that stresses its memory table. Restructuring data structures following the tool's suggestion improves performance by an average of 11% (geomean) and reduces cache misses by an average of 28% (geomean) for seven of these workloads.


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MEMSYS '19: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Memory Systems
September 2019
517 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 30 September 2019


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  1. CPU cache
  2. data structure design and analysis
  3. memory performance


  • Research-article


MEMSYS '19: The International Symposium on Memory Systems
September 30 - October 3, 2019
District of Columbia, Washington, USA


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