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On the Application of the Complexity Zeta Function to Quantify Complexity in Bioengineering Systems

Published: 17 October 2019 Publication History


Emergent properties are an issue that effects all aspects of engineering. When behaviors and properties arise in a system, that were not intended, they can have a deleterious effect on system performance. Emergent properties are often the root cause of engineering failures that are otherwise indeterminate. This is particularly true for bioengineering. In bioengineering the engineered system must integrate with biological systems. This creates a complex system of systems that is likely to generate emergent properties. Currently the literature is inadequate on the topic of predicting emergence or even quantifying the complexity of a system. In this paper a methodology for quantifying complexity in a system is posited, thus supporting the ability to predict the probability of emergence.


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  • (2020)On the Application of the Complexity Zeta Function to Modelling Complexity and Emergence in Neuro-Engineering2020 10th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC)10.1109/CCWC47524.2020.9031249(0431-0436)Online publication date: Jan-2020

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  1. On the Application of the Complexity Zeta Function to Quantify Complexity in Bioengineering Systems



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    AIAM 2019: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing
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    Published: 17 October 2019


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    • (2020)On the Application of the Complexity Zeta Function to Modelling Complexity and Emergence in Neuro-Engineering2020 10th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC)10.1109/CCWC47524.2020.9031249(0431-0436)Online publication date: Jan-2020

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