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Musicological Observations During Rehearsal and Performance: a Linked Data Digital Library for Annotations
In this paper, we present a toolkit built on a reusable Linked Data framework supporting the creation of bespoke user interfaces for live events in which a scholar’s observations can be recorded. These observations are published as Linked Data ...
The Mensural Scoring-up Tool
Vocal polyphonic music from 1280 to 1600 is written in mensural notation and it is typically presented in a layout with separate parts. In this paper, we introduce the Mensural Scoring-up Tool, a set of scripts designed to automatically transform the ...
On the Adoption of Standard Encoding Formats to Ensure Interoperability of Music Digital Archives: The IEEE 1599 Format
With this paper, we want to stimulate the discussion about technologies for inter-operation between various music datasets and collections. Among the many standards for music representation, IEEE 1599 is the only one which was born with the exact ...
Don’t hide in the frames: Note- and pattern-based evaluation of automated melody extraction algorithms
In this paper, we address how to evaluate and improve the performance of automatic dominant melody extraction systems from a pattern mining perspective with a focus on jazz improvisations. Traditionally, dominant melody extraction systems estimate the ...
Key-Finding Based on a Hidden Markov Model and Key Profiles
Musicologists and musicians often would like to search by keys in a digital music library. In this paper, we introduce a new key-finding algorithm that can be applied to music in both symbolic and audio formats. The algorithm, which is based on a Hidden ...
Transposition and time-warp invariant algorithm for detecting repeated patterns in polyphonic music
Finding repetitions in music is a fundamental music information retrieval problem that has several scientific and engineering applications. A popular algorithm for the problem is , the structure induction algorithm developed by Meredith et. al. [10]. is ...
A Trend Analysis on Concreteness of Popular Song Lyrics
Recently, music complexity has drawn attention from researchers in Music Digital Libraries area. In particular, computational methods to measure music complexity have been studied to provide better music services in large-scale music digital libraries. ...
Dastgàh Recognition in Iranian Music: Different Features and Optimized Parameters
In this paper we report on the results of utilizing computational analysis to determine the dastgàh, the mode of music in the Iranian classical art music, using spectrogram and chroma features. We contrast the effectiveness of classifying music using ...
A diff procedure for music score files
Comparing music score files is an important task for many activities such as collaborative score editing, version control and evaluation of optical music recognition (OMR) or music transcription. Following the Unix diff model for text files, we propose ...
MIRELA - Music Information Research Environment with dLibrA
MIRELA is a virtual environment for researchers interested in exploring various aspects of traditional music. The environment has been designed by DARIAH-PL Music Information Retrieval Working Group with the objective to offer researchers extended ...
Moments Musicaux
One form of musical library that is a mainstay of traditional musicology and which stands to benefit from digital attention is the ‘anthology’. These collections, often paired with a textbook, are tasked with bringing together a set of ‘representative’ ...
A notation-based query language for searching in symbolic music
Existing systems for searching in symbolic music corpora generally suffer from either of two limitations: they are either limited in power because they accept only simple search patterns, or they are hard for musicologists and musicians to use because ...
Interweaving and Enriching Digital Music Collections for Scholarship, Performance, and Enjoyment
- David M. Weigl,
- Werner Goebl,
- Tim Crawford,
- Aggelos Gkiokas,
- Nicolas F. Gutierrez,
- Alastair Porter,
- Patricia Santos,
- Casper Karreman,
- Ingmar Vroomen,
- Cynthia C. S. Liem,
- Álvaro Sarasúa,
- Marcel van Tilburg
The turn toward the digital has opened up previously difficult to access musical materials to wider musicological scholarship. Digital repositories provide access to publicly licensed score images, score encodings, textual resources, audiovisual ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology