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Moments Musicaux

Published: 09 November 2019 Publication History


One form of musical library that is a mainstay of traditional musicology and which stands to benefit from digital attention is the ‘anthology’. These collections, often paired with a textbook, are tasked with bringing together a set of ‘representative’ examples for musical devices such as particular chords.
This paper provides lists of such examples, both manually curated and automatically retrieved, bringing computational methods to complement and extend the traditional concept and preparation of a musical anthology. The lists and code are available at
Discussion centres on the motivations for and issues with preparing such lists, including the design of retrieval algorithms. A final section discusses the special case of examples for teaching musicianship which can face additional difficulties in finding suitable repertoire examples. Again, this culminates in datasets of repertoire examples, but for specifications such as ‘diatonic, stepwise melodies in quarter and eight notes’.


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DLfM '19: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology
November 2019
88 pages
  • Conference Chair:
  • David Rizo
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Published: 09 November 2019


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  1. Neapolitan sixth chord
  2. Textbooks
  3. anthologies
  4. augmented chord
  5. augmented sixth chord
  6. corpus analysis
  7. datasets
  8. fundamentals
  9. harmony
  10. mixed meter
  11. musicianship
  12. pedagogy


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