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- sigmetrics
Years of planning went into the preparation of ICPE 2020 in Edmonton. There was great excitement in bringing ICPE back to North America after a while and great anticipation for productive interactions between the participants of ICPE and members of the various SPEC working groups. But, alas, the only certain thing about life is its uncertainty. The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic led to the cancelation of the face-to-face conference in Edmonton. ICPE proceeded with the publication of these proceedings and with the availability of video presentations and slides linked to the conference program in the website. The great program for ICPE 2020 was made possible thanks to the many authors that submitted contributions to the advancement of performance modeling and engineering and many other related topics. We were anticipating great interest in the strong line of keynote speakers. The Canadian-based line up is a coincidence but it would have been a great way to celebrate the contributions from Canadian universities in this area. Gail Murphy from the University of British Columbia planned to share her experiences in increasing the productivity of software development. Sebastian Fishmeister from the University of Waterloo would talk about what they learned from mining traces from the design of embedded software systems. Ahmed Hassan from Queens University intended talk about assessing and testing large-scale software systems.
There is much work that goes into putting together a complex program such as ICPE. Besides the contributing authors and presenters, many volunteering hours were dedicated by chairs, programcommittee members, local organizers, local volunteers, steering-committee members and many others. On behalf of the ICPE community we thank you all for your effort and dedication. We thank for the generous sponsorship from the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC).
Even though ICPE could not go ahead as planned because of the 2020 pandemic, we hope that the availability of video presentations and the publication of these proceedings will lead to productive online interactions between researchers.
- Proceedings of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering