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MP Remix: Relaxed WYSIWIS Immersive Interfaces for Mixed Presence Collaboration With 3D Content

Published: 07 November 2019 Publication History


to create an integrated space. We consider an MR configuration in which collocated collaborators work around a tabletop display, while remote collaborators wear an HMD to interact with a connected virtual environment that gives a 3D perspective, and consider the impact of varying degrees of view congruence with their collaborators. In a within-subjects study with 18 groups of 3, groups completed task scenarios involving 3D object manipulation around a physical-virtual mapped tabletop. We compare a synchronized Tabletop display baseline and two MR conditions with different levels of view congruence: Fishtank and Hover. Fishtank has a high degree of congruence as it shares a top-down perspective of the 3D objects with the tabletop collaborators. The Hover condition has less view congruence since 3D content hovers front of the remote collaborator above the table. The MR conditions yielded higher self-reported awareness and co-presence than the Tabletop condition for both collocated and remote participants. Remote collaborators significantly preferred the MR conditions for manipulating shared 3D models and communicating with their collaborators. Our findings illustrate strengths and weaknesses of both MR techniques but show that more participants preferred the less-congruent Hover condition overall. Reasons include that it facilitated interaction and viewing 3D objects.

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    • (2021)VR Collaboration in Large Companies: An Interview Study on the Role of Avatars2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct)10.1109/ISMAR-Adjunct54149.2021.00037(139-144)Online publication date: Oct-2021
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