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Unlimited Corridor: A Visuo-haptic Redirection System

Published: 14 November 2019 Publication History


The Unlimited Corridor is a virtual reality system that enables users to walk in an ostensibly straight direction around a virtual corridor within a small tracked space. Unlike other redirected walking systems, the Unlimited Corridor allows users to keep walking around without interruptions or resetting phases. This is made possible by combining a redirected walking technique with visuo-haptic interaction and a path planning algorithm. The Unlimited Corridor produces passive haptic feedback using semi-circular handrails; that is, when users grip a straight handrail in the virtual environment, they simultaneously grip a corresponding curved handrail in the physical world. These stimuli enable visuo-haptic interaction, with the user perceiving the gripped handrail as straight, and this sensation enhances the effects of redirected walking. Furthermore, we developed an algorithm that dynamically modifies the amount of distortion to allow a user to walk ostensibly straight and turn at intersections in any direction. We evaluated the Unlimited Corridor using a virtual space of approximately 400 m2 in a physical space of approximately 60 m2. According to a user study, the median value of the straightness sensation of walking when users grip the handrails (5.13) was significantly larger than that of the sensation felt without gripping the handrails (3.38).


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VRCAI '19: Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry
November 2019
354 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 14 November 2019


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  1. cross-modal
  2. passive haptics
  3. redirected walking


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