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EuroPLop '19: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
ACM2019 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
EuroPLoP '19: 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs Irsee Germany July 3 - 7, 2019
03 July 2019
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The 24th European conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP) was held in the Bavarian Kloster Irsee, Germany from 4th-8th July 2018, where pattern authors and pattern enthusiasts met to discuss, explore new patterns and write patterns.

Incremental analysis in machine learning
Article No.: 1, Pages 1–3

Supervised learning requires data to be labeled. However, labels may not always be available, or creating a labeled dataset may be costly. Even when the data is labeled, labeling is often inconsistent, incomplete and inaccurate. If the data changes over ...

Patterns to escape the #ifdef hell
Article No.: 2, Pages 1–12

There are many things one can do wrong when using the C pre-processor's #ifdef statements. Such statements are often used to distinguish between hardware variants or operating system variants in the C code and when not used carefully, the C code easily ...

Patterns for returning error information in C
Article No.: 3, Pages 1–14

Error handling is part of any industrial strength code. In programming languages like C, which have no support for enhanced error handling mechanisms like exceptions, error handling is a non-trivial task and many decisions on how to implement it have to ...

Drama patterns: extracting and reusing the essence of drama
Article No.: 4, Pages 1–9

The knowledge of drama building is somehow an inherent part of us. Albeit, it tends to be suppressed and forgotten. This is leveraged by a common, director or instructor supervised approach, which favors learning lines to produce them without making a ...

Pattern-based incorporation of privacy preferences into privacy policies: negotiating the conflicting needs of service providers and end-users
Article No.: 5, Pages 1–12

Data protection during processing an end-user's personal data is one of the service provider's main responsibilities. According to data protection regulations, e.g. the European General Data Protection Regulation, an informed consent to privacy policies ...

Asset pipeline patterns: patterns in interactive real-time visualization workflow
Article No.: 6, Pages 1–11

Interactive real-time visualizations consist of both the navigation and viewing application, executing in a runtime environment, and the digital content providing the data source for the visualization. As visualizations are becoming richer and more ...

Patterns for innovation: 6 patterns for idea implementation
Article No.: 7, Pages 1–8

Creative thinking is a key skill in more and more domains. Creativity is required to innovate, develop new ideas, get deeper insights, address challenges and resolve conflicts. In this context, we understand creativity as the process of creating and ...

A pattern approach for identification of opportunities for personalisation and automation of user interactions for the IoT
Article No.: 8, Pages 1–9

This paper introduces the 'Personal Spark' pattern which can be used to identify relevant fragments of human-human interaction as an initial step to inform requirements for adaptive user interfaces and data processing, in this case for user interactions ...

Springboard stories: spark an audience to action
Article No.: 9, Pages 1–6

We often listen to talks, awaiting something to excite us. Presenters fail quite often. They do not accomplish the goal to convince others about what they are convinced themselves. That is because presenters make an effort to deliver a superb, unique ...

Managing security risks: template-based specification of controls
Article No.: 10, Pages 1–13

Threats that harm the security of software become more and more frequent. Such incidents can lead to substantial damage, not only financially, but also in terms of reputation loss. The combination of that consequence and the likelihood of an incident is ...

Patterns for communicating numerical uncertainty
Article No.: 11, Pages 1–15

Uncertainty is an inherent property of all measurements, statistics, or generally all communication involving numbers. Whenever numerical data is communicated, the uncertainty or confidence in this data should also be included. Neglecting it, or ...

Code smells for multi-language systems
Article No.: 12, Pages 1–13

Software quality becomes a necessity and no longer an advantage. In fact, with the advancement of technologies, companies must provide software with good quality. Many studies introduce the use of design patterns as improving software quality and ...

A pattern language for improving foreign language skills when studying abroad
Article No.: 13, Pages 1–9

In this paper, a pattern language for improving foreign language skills when studying abroad, which describes effective practices to improve language skills, is presented. This pattern language comprises 39 patterns, which are classified into three ...

Gamifying connected services patterns
Article No.: 14, Pages 1–8

Gamification, defined as the application of game design principles in non-gaming contexts, is a powerful tool for making systems lastingly attractive by exhausting rewards as soon as specific conditions are met. In the context of online or real world ...

Interface evolution patterns: balancing compatibility and extensibility across service life cycles
Article No.: 15, Pages 1–24

Remote Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are technology enablers for distributed systems and cloud-native application development. API providers find it hard to design their remote APIs so that they can be evolved easily; refactoring and ...

Testing and deployment patterns for the internet-of-things
Article No.: 16, Pages 1–8

As with every software, Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems have their own life-cycle, from conception to construction, deployment, and operation. However, the testing requirements from these systems are slightly different due to their inherent coupling ...

BlockBD: a security pattern to incorporate blockchain in big data ecosystems
Article No.: 17, Pages 1–8

Big Data is changing the perspective on how to obtain valuable information from data stored by organizations of all kinds. By using these insights, companies can make better decisions and thus achieve their business goals. However, each new technology ...

A proposal of modular-structured pattern language: based on pattern language for end of life care
Article No.: 18, Pages 1–6

This paper proposes a new structure, Modular-Structured Pattern Language, that makes possible to make a pattern language based on the core in pattern languages depending on their situation, needs, and problems. The In this paper, first, we describe how ...

The three-step refactoring detector pattern
Article No.: 19, Pages 1–9

Developing a tool that provides support for different refactorings, through a set of refactoring detectors which identify opportunities for source code improvements, is not easy. Our experience in developing such a tool for refactoring object-oriented ...

Software process anti-pattern detection in project data
Article No.: 20, Pages 1–12

There is a significant amount of guidance on Project Management (PM) including software development methodologies, best practices and anti-patterns (APs). There is, however, a lack of automated way of applying this knowledge by analyzing readily ...

Industry best practices for open source governance and component reuse
Article No.: 21, Pages 1–14

Corporate use of open source in software products is on the rise. While this brings a number of technological and business benefits to companies, it also comes with potential legal and financial risks caused by license non-compliance and ungoverned use ...

A generic conceptual data model of social media services
Article No.: 22, Pages 1–12

Data modelling patterns provide a good guideline for creating a data model of a software or service. However, there is a lack of such a pattern respecting data protection requirements that an online service should satisfy. Especially for social media ...

Pattern-based modeling of cyber-physical systems for analyzing security
Article No.: 23, Pages 1–10

Cyber-physical systems are a crucial part of many infrastructure or production systems, and are spreading into other domains as part of the IoT (Internet-of-Things) wave. As cyber-physical systems act on the physical world, attacks could have severe ...

Patterns for well-being in life: 9 patterns for being with others
Article No.: 24, Pages 1–8

In this paper, we present 9 patterns for Being with others from Patterns for Well-being in Life which verbalize the tips for method on fulfilling four factors of happiness as pattern language. This study is based on well-being studies of Takashi Maeno. ...

Dependable mesh networking patterns
Article No.: 25, Pages 1–14

In our daily life, we are increasingly relying on connected systems ranging from smart health care devices to industrial and intelligent transportation systems, as well as smart homes and cities. The unavailability or malfunctioning of these systems ...

Elementary structural data composition patterns
Article No.: 26, Pages 1–13

Data composition is used in programming languages and data transfer representation languages (such as JSON, XML and network protocols) to build complex objects, but the particular language constructs may differ. The paper presents common primitives ...

Documenting recurring concerns and patterns in large-scale agile development
Article No.: 27, Pages 1–17

The introduction of agile methods at scale entails unique concerns such as inter-team coordination, dependencies to other organizational units, or distribution of work without a defined architecture. Compared to the rich body of agile software ...

Software process anti-patterns catalogue
Article No.: 28, Pages 1–10

For software project managers and other practitioners, an important activity is to detect, and consequently find solutions to, insufficiencies and mistakes in process and other project management (PM) activities. Particularly interesting among these are ...

Chain of builders: a pattern of variable syntax processing for internal DSLs
Article No.: 29, Pages 1–11

chain of builders is a language-implementation pattern at the centre of realising variable textual syntaxes for internal domain-specific languages (DSL). An internal DSL is built on top of a general-purpose software language (GPL; Java) and uses the GPL ...

Reflecting pattern relationships in a pattern format
Article No.: 30, Pages 1–5

Patterns can be applied in isolation. However, the power of patterns lies in using them in sequences. Identifying pattern relationships with other patterns is difficult. The existing pattern formats reflect the relationships with other patterns in a ...


Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
      Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.


      Acceptance Rates

      Overall Acceptance Rate 216 of 354 submissions, 61%
      EuroPLoP '20583764%
      EuroPLoP '18533566%
      EuroPLoP '17533464%
      EuroPlop '16533566%
      EuroPLoP '13362467%
      EuroPLoP '12231148%
      EuroPLoP '11391538%
      EuroPLoP '10392564%