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TOP: Optimizing Vehicle Driving Speed with Vehicle Trajectories for Travel Time Minimization and Road Congestion Avoidance

Published: 16 November 2019 Publication History


Traffic congestion control is pivotal for intelligent transportation systems. Previous works optimize vehicle speed for different objectives such as minimizing fuel consumption and minimizing travel time. However, they overlook the possible congestion generation in the future (e.g., in 5 minutes), which may degrade the performance of achieving the objectives. In this article, we propose a vehicle <u>T</u>rajectory–based driving speed <u>OP</u>timization strategy (TOP) to minimize vehicle travel time and meanwhile avoid generating congestion. Its basic idea is to adjust vehicles’ mobility to alleviate road congestion globally. TOP has a framework for collecting vehicles’ information to a central server, which calculates the parameters depicting the future road condition (e.g., driving time, vehicle density, and probability of accident). Based on the collected information, the central server also measures the friendship among the vehicles and considers the delay caused by red traffic signals to help estimating the vehicle density of the road segments. The server then formulates a non-cooperative Stackelberg game considering these parameters, in which when each vehicle aims to minimize its travel time, the road congestion is also proactively avoided. After the Stackelberg equilibrium is reached, the optimal driving speed for each vehicle and the expected vehicle density that maximizes the utilization of the road network are determined. Our real trace analysis confirms some characteristics of vehicle mobility to support the design of TOP. Extensive trace-driven experiments show the effectiveness and superior performance of TOP in comparison with other driving speed optimization methods.


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  1. TOP: Optimizing Vehicle Driving Speed with Vehicle Trajectories for Travel Time Minimization and Road Congestion Avoidance



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems
    ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems  Volume 4, Issue 2
    April 2020
    266 pages
    • Editor:
    • Tei-Wei Kuo
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Publication History

    Published: 16 November 2019
    Accepted: 01 September 2019
    Revised: 01 August 2019
    Received: 01 October 2018
    Published in TCPS Volume 4, Issue 2


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    Author Tags

    1. Vehicular networks
    2. driving speed optimization
    3. game theory


    • Research-article
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    Funding Sources

    • U.S.NSF grants
    • Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship


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