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Soma Design and Politics of the Body
- Kristina Höök,
- Sara Eriksson,
- Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard,
- Marianela Ciolfi Felice,
- Nadia Campo Woytuk,
- Ozgun Kilic Afsar,
- Vasiliki Tsaknaki,
- Anna Ståhl
Human reasoning often revolves around dichotomies: male-female, rational-irrational, emotion-thinking, body-mind, white-black, and so on. Through our design processes, we often repeat and reinforce these patterns. We argue that a stronger somatic ...
Reimagining the Role of the Expert: From Interface Design to Interface Curation
User Interface (UI) design has been a core topic of HCI research for several decades. Equipped with design skills and knowledge, the expert interface designer meticulously analyses a design brief, conceptualises design ideas, and constructs viable ...
Growable, Invisible, Connected Toys: Twitching Towards Ubiquitous Bacterial Computing
With the help of advances in synthetic biology, scientists are beginning to create early forms of bacteria computers, driven by artificial DNA circuits. We identify two immediate opportunities that would benefit the HCI and ubiquitous computing ...
Otherworld: Ouija Board as a Resource for Design
The Ouija board is a device to contact spirits from the so-called otherworld. Although it is considered paranormal activity, the way it works rests on ideomotor actions and we argue that the Ouija is a resource for design for the following aspects: It is ...
Exploring Communal Technology Use in the Home
Vacuum cleaners, dish washers, and computers have had a lasting impact on ordinary life, and the last wave of ubiquitous technology, smart home technology, once again alters social order and practices in the home. Increasingly pervasive and internet-...
The Data Hungry Home
It's said that the pleasure is in the giving, not the receiving. This belief is validated by how humans interact with their family, friends and society as well as their gardens, homes, and pets. Yet for ubiquitous devices, this dynamic is reversed with ...
A Successful Failure or a Failed Success?
We reflect back on a previous paper writing process, where we initially set out to share experiences of forest walks and discuss how these were part of a design process for an application around sustainable grocery shopping. We describe our inability in ...
Exploring Machine Learning Approaches for Classifying Mental Workload using fNIRS Data from HCI Tasks
Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) has shown promise for being potentially more suitable (than e.g. EEG) for brain-based Human Computer Interaction (HCI). While some machine learning approaches have been used in prior HCI work, this paper ...
Against Ethical AI
In this paper we use the EU guidelines on ethical AI, and the responses to it, as a starting point to discuss the problems with our community’s focus on such manifestos, principles, and sets of guidelines. We cover how industry and academia are at times ...
How Can We Balance Research, Participation and Innovation as HCI Researchers?
This paper reflects upon the growing expectation for HCI research projects to collaborate closely with partners in industry and civil society. Specifically, we suggest that this type of engagement is often prefigured around the agendas, needs and ...
Latent Spaces: The High-Dimensional Infosphere
Briefly considering distributed informational environments as latent spaces for the construction of meaning and knowledge, I explore the concept of the infosphere and the phenomenology of such high-dimensional abstract space in the context of social ...
Human-robot relationships and the development of responsible social robots
The contemporary development of social robots has been accompanied by concerns over their capacity to cause harm to humans. Our RoboTIPS study sets out to design and trial an innovative design feature that will advance the safe operation of social robots ...
5 Percent Piano: An Augmented Piano with Playful Audio Response
Inspired by the practice of street art, we speculated on a scenario of non-visual street art, in which everyday objects are augmented with audio responses. We used ubiquitous computing technologies to augment an idle piano in a university building lobby ...
The Disappearing Computer Science in Healthcare VR applications
One growing area of research in the field of interaction design concerns new applications of filmed VR, or what is sometimes referred to as 360 video. We have studied this new semi-interactive medium in two applied use settings: in clinical psychotherapy ...
Teaching Robots to Act and Converse in Physical Spaces: Participatory Design Fictions with Museum Guides
This paper reflects on the expectations of museum guides regarding companion AI-powered robots in a science museum space. We employed Design Fiction as a technique to explore machine teaching of future technologies in public spaces. The fiction is ...
Designing for Play that Permeates Everyday Life: Towards New Methods for Situated Play Design
In this paper we discuss strategies to support our design research agenda of promoting playful engagement within everyday activities and situations. We argue that this agenda is in alignment with the ethos of the third wave of HCI. To support design in ...
Service Design in HCI Research: The Extended Value Co-creation Model
In this paper, we discuss what it means to practice service design in an academic research setting. For a long time, the primary focal point of design research has been the users—of their experiences, needs, desires, and values. By contrast, designers ...
Sketching & Drawing as Future Inquiry in HCI
Creating visual imagery helps us to situate ourselves within unknown worlds, processes, make connections, and find solutions. By exploring drawn ideas for novel technologies, we can examine the implications of their place in the world. Drawing, or ...
Understanding Human Behaviour in Industrial Human-Robot Interaction by Means of Virtual Reality
As industry automation is evolving, the barriers between humans and machines are slowly disappearing. With humans and intelligent robots working closer together it is imperative to ensure not only physical safety but also the mental and emotional well-...
Graceful Interactions and Social Support as Motivational Design Strategies to Encourage Women in Exercising
Increasingly aware of the importance of active lifestyles, many people intend to exercise more. Yet the main challenge remains to translate these intentions into action. Wearable devices supporting exercise regrettably tend to adopt a one-size-fits-all ...
Entangled Ethnography: Towards a collective future understanding
In this work, we develop a vision for entangled ethnography, where constellations of people, artefacts, algorithms and data come together to collectively make sense of the relations between people and objects. This is grounded in New Materialism’s ...
A Vision of Augmented Reality for Urban Search and Rescue
Search and rescue (SAR) operations are often nearly computer-technology-free due to the fragility and connectivity needs of current information communication technology (ICT). In this design fiction, we envision a world where SAR uses augmented reality (...
Fourth-Wave HCI Meets the 21st Century Manifesto
We take up Bødker's [9] challenge to ‘identify’ a fourth wave HCI, building on the work of Blevis et al. [8] and others to shore up a new vision that places ‘politics and values and ethics’ at the forefront without abandoning the strengths of previous ...
Toward ‘Suprahuman’ Technology
Drawing upon the findings and experiences of my team’s Research-through-Design practice, I propose that we as a scholarly community pull together (harder) to steer future technological developments toward putting attention on the experiential space ...
Blending into the White Box of the Art Museum
- Vera Lange,
- Marleen van Beuzekom,
- Michel Hansma,
- Jasper Jeurens,
- Willemiek van den Oever,
- Marjolein Regterschot,
- Jille Treffers,
- Koen van Turnhout,
- Tonguc Ibrahim Sezen,
- Ido Iurgel,
- Rene Bakker
Mixed reality applications can enrich museum exhibits and make them more attractive to an audience of adolescents. However, in the design of such applications, we face a myriad of possibilities and little guidance on how to choose between (early) ...
Towards a Network of Practices: Identifying Central Elements to Inform Design
For over a decade researchers from the HCI community are taking social practices as a unit of design. While the first generation focused on social practice in isolation, more recent work argues for the interrelatedness of mutually influencing practices ...
The Technological Gaze
In addressing the question of how we think and model the participant, user or audience for interactive systems, we initiate an interrogation of who we think we are, and what we think technology is in relation to who we think we are. Future-proofing ...
Digital -is- Physical: How Functional Fabrication Disrupts Ubicomp Design Principles
Ubiquitous computing has long explored design through the conceptual separation of digital and physical materials. We describe how the emergence of the fabrication community in HCI will challenge these conceptual principles. The idea of digital material ...
Reconfiguring Human-centred Design of Technology as a Technohuman Intervention
Human-centred design has been conceptualised as the simultaneous splitting and synthesising of the human and the technology, for the purpose of reconfiguring orders and positions of people and things within organisational innovation practices. Describing ...
Careful Devices
This short paper offers a rationale and manifesto for a design-led research project called careful devices—domestic healthcare technologies that seek to bridge the gap between the lived experience of a person and the abstracted medical knowledge of a ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019
DisCoTec 2019: the 14th international federated conference on distributed computing techniques
DisCoTec, the International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, is one of the major annual events sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). It comprises three conferences: COORDINATION, the IFIP ...