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TiltWriter: design and evaluation of a no-touch tilt-based text entry method for handheld devices

Published: 26 November 2019 Publication History


Touch is the predominant method of text entry on mobile devices. However, these devices also facilitate tilt-based input using accelerometers and gyroscopes. This paper presents the design and evaluation of TiltWriter, a non-touch, tilt-based text entry technique. TiltWriter aims to supplement conventional techniques when precise touch is not convenient or possible (e.g., the user lacks sufficient motor skills). Two keyboard layouts were designed and evaluated: Qwerty, and "Custom", a layout inspired by the telephone keypad. Novice participants in a longitudinal study achieved speeds of 12.1 wpm for Qwerty, 10.7 wpm for Custom. Error rate averaged 0.76% for Qwerty, 0.62% for Custom. A post-study extended session yielded 15.2 wpm with Custom, versus 11.5 wpm with Qwerty. Results and participant feedback suggest that a selection dwell time between 700 - 800 ms benefits accuracy.

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MUM '19: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia
November 2019
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 26 November 2019


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  1. handheld devices
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  3. text input
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