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Personality Estimation using Demographic Data in a Personality-based Recommender System: A Proposal

Published: 22 February 2020 Publication History


Collaborative filtering in a recommender system has a weakness called cold start problem. One way to resolve this problem is by using personality traits that can be automatically predicted from the status that the users write in social media like Facebook and Twitter. The problem with this method is that a user of such system must have at least one account in at least one social media and must write at least one status with certain length. We propose to use the combination of personality traits and demographic data to overcome this problem. Previous studies reveal that personality traits are influenced by age and gender. By using these findings, we will build models to predict personality traits from such demographic data. The modeling will be conducted by means of classification and association rule methods. Novel domains will be used in the proposed system, namely sports and hobbies.


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cover image ACM Other conferences
iiWAS2019: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services
December 2019
709 pages
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  • JKU: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
  • @WAS: International Organization of Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 22 February 2020


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Author Tags

  1. Association Rule
  2. Big Five
  3. Classification Method
  4. Decision Tree
  5. Demographic Data
  6. Five Factor Model
  7. Naïve Bayes
  8. Personality Traits
  9. Recommender System for Hobbies
  10. Recommender System for Sports
  11. k-Nearest Neighbor


  • Short-paper
  • Research
  • Refereed limited




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