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A Generalized and Fast-converging Non-negative Latent Factor Model for Predicting User Preferences in Recommender Systems

Published: 20 April 2020 Publication History


Recommender systems (RSs) commonly describe its user-item preferences with a high-dimensional and sparse (HiDS) matrix filled with non-negative data. A non-negative latent factor (NLF) model relying on a single latent factor-dependent, non-negative and multiplicative update (SLF-NMU) algorithm is frequently adopted to process such an HiDS matrix. However, an NLF model mostly adopts Euclidean distance for its objective function, which is naturally a special case of α-β-divergence. Moreover, it frequently suffers slow convergence. For addressing these issues, this study proposes a generalized and fast-converging non-negative latent factor (GFNLF) model. Its main idea is two-fold: a) adopting α-β-divergence for its objective function, thereby enhancing its representation ability for HiDS data; b) deducing its momentum-incorporated non-negative multiplicative update (MNMU) algorithm, thereby achieving its fast convergence. Empirical studies on two HiDS matrices emerging from real RSs demonstrate that with carefully-tuned hyperparameters, a GFNLF model outperforms state-of-the-art models in both computational efficiency and prediction accuracy for missing data of an HiDS matrix.


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    1. α-β-divergence
    2. High-dimensional and sparse
    3. Momentum
    4. Non-negative latent factor
    5. Recommender system
    6. User preference


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