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Few-Sample and Adversarial Representation Learning for Continual Stream Mining

Published: 20 April 2020 Publication History


Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have primarily been demonstrated to be useful for closed-world classification problems where the number of categories is fixed. However, DNNs notoriously fail when tasked with label prediction in a non-stationary data stream scenario, which has the continuous emergence of the unknown or novel class (categories not in the training set). For example, new topics continually emerge in social media or e-commerce. To solve this challenge, a DNN should not only be able to detect the novel class effectively but also incrementally learn new concepts from limited samples over time. Literature that addresses both problems simultaneously is limited. In this paper, we focus on improving the generalization of the model on the novel classes, and making the model continually learn from only a few samples from the novel categories. Different from existing approaches that rely on abundant labeled instances to re-train/update the model, we propose a new approach based on Few Sample and Adversarial Representation Learning (FSAR). The key novelty is that we introduce the adversarial confusion term into both the representation learning and few-sample learning process, which reduces the over-confidence of the model on the seen classes, further enhance the generalization of the model to detect and learn new categories with only a few samples. We train the FSAR operated in two stages: first, FSAR learns an intra-class compacted and inter-class separated feature embedding to detect the novel classes; next, we collect a few labeled samples belong to the new categories, utilize episode-training to exploit the intrinsic features for few-sample learning. We evaluated FSAR on different datasets, using extensive experimental results from various simulated stream benchmarks to show that FSAR effectively outperforms current state-of-the-art approaches.


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          Association for Computing Machinery

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          Published: 20 April 2020


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          1. Adversarial learning
          2. Deep Neural Network
          3. Few Sample Learning
          4. Novel Class Detection
          5. Stream Mining


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          WWW '20
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