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Towards IP-based Geolocation via Fine-grained and Stable Webcam Landmarks

Published: 20 April 2020 Publication History


IP-based geolocation is essential for various location-aware Internet applications, such as online advertisement, content delivery, and online fraud prevention. Achieving accurate geolocation enormously relies on the number of high-quality (i.e., the fine-grained and stable over time) landmarks. However, the previous efforts of garnering landmarks have been impeded by the limited visible landmarks on the Internet and manual time cost. In this paper, we leverage the availability of numerous online webcams that are used to monitor physical surroundings as a rich source of promising high-quality landmarks for serving IP-based geolocation. In particular, we present a new framework called GeoCAM, which is designed to automatically generate qualified landmarks from online webcams, providing IP-based geolocation services with high accuracy and wide coverage. GeoCAM periodically monitors websites that are hosting live webcams and uses the natural language processing technique to extract the IP addresses and latitude/longitude of webcams for generating landmarks at large-scale. We develop a prototype of GeoCAM and conduct real-world experiments for validating its efficacy. Our results show that GeoCam can detect 282,902 live webcams hosted in webpages with 94.2% precision and 90.4% recall, and then generate 16,863 stable and fine-grained landmarks, which are two orders of magnitude more than the landmarks used in prior works. Thus, by correlating a large scale of landmarks, GeoCAM is able to provide a geolocation service with high accuracy and wide coverage.


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            WWW '20: Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020
            April 2020
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            Association for Computing Machinery

            New York, NY, United States

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            Published: 20 April 2020


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            1. Data Mining
            2. IP Geolocation
            3. Information Extraction
            4. Internet of Things
            5. Landmarks
            6. Webcam


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            WWW '20
            WWW '20: The Web Conference 2020
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