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Designing Fairly Fair Classifiers Via Economic Fairness Notions

Published: 20 April 2020 Publication History


The past decade has witnessed a rapid growth of research on fairness in machine learning. In contrast, fairness has been formally studied for almost a century in microeconomics in the context of resource allocation, during which many general-purpose notions of fairness have been proposed. This paper explore the applicability of two such notions — envy-freeness and equitability — in machine learning. We propose novel relaxations of these fairness notions which apply to groups rather than individuals, and are compelling in a broad range of settings. Our approach provides a unifying framework by incorporating several recently proposed fairness definitions as special cases. We provide generalization bounds for our approach, and theoretically and experimentally evaluate the tradeoff between loss minimization and our fairness guarantees.


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        Association for Computing Machinery

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        Published: 20 April 2020


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        1. Group envy-freeness
        2. fairness
        3. generalization
        4. group equitability


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        WWW '20: The Web Conference 2020
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