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Leveraging Passage-level Cumulative Gain for Document Ranking

Published: 20 April 2020 Publication History


Document ranking is one of the most studied but challenging problems in information retrieval (IR) research. A number of existing document ranking models capture relevance signals at the whole document level. Recently, more and more research has begun to address this problem from fine-grained document modeling. Several works leveraged fine-grained passage-level relevance signals in ranking models. However, most of these works focus on context-independent passage-level relevance signals and ignore the context information, which may lead to inaccurate estimation of passage-level relevance. In this paper, we investigate how information gain accumulates with passages when users sequentially read a document. We propose the context-aware Passage-level Cumulative Gain (PCG), which aggregates relevance scores of passages and avoids the need to formally split a document into independent passages. Next, we incorporate the patterns of PCG into a BERT-based sequential model called Passage-level Cumulative Gain Model (PCGM) to predict the PCG sequence. Finally, we apply PCGM to the document ranking task. Experimental results on two public ad hoc retrieval benchmark datasets show that PCGM outperforms most existing ranking models and also indicates the effectiveness of PCG signals. We believe that this work contributes to improving ranking performance and providing more explainability for document ranking.


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      1. Passage-level cumulative gain
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