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Using Deep Learning for Temporal Forecasting of User Activity on Social Media: Challenges and Limitations

Published: 20 April 2020 Publication History


The recent advances in neural network-based machine learning algorithms promise a revolution in prediction-based tasks in a variety of domains. Of these, forecasting user activity in social media is particularly relevant for problems such as modeling and predicting information diffusion and designing intervention techniques to mitigate disinformation campaigns. Social media seems an ideal context for applying neural network techniques, as they provide large datasets and challenging prediction objectives. Yet, our experiments find a number of limitations in the power of deep neural networks and traditional machine learning approaches in predicting user activity on social media platforms. These limitations are related to dataset characteristics due to temporal aspects of user behavior. This work describes the challenges we encountered while attempting to forecast user activity on two popular social interaction sites: Twitter and GitHub.


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          WWW '20: Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2020
          April 2020
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          Association for Computing Machinery

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