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Entity Resolution in Dynamic Heterogeneous Networks

Published: 20 April 2020 Publication History


Networks evolve continuously over time not only with the addition and deletion of links and nodes but also with changes in the importance of edges. Even though many networks contain this type of temporal weightings, vast majority of research in network representation learning and classification has focused on static snapshots of the graph, while largely ignoring the temporal dynamics. In this work, we describe two approaches for incorporating weighted temporal information into network embedding methods such as Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs). While the first approach aggregates time-weighted edges and nodes, the second approach uses temporal random walks to find relevant convolution nodes. With experiments on public and proprietary datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed TimeSage for link prediction tasks. By applying these predictions, we show improvements in our task of identifying fraudulent actors on a large e-commerce website selling software as subscriptions.


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      cover image ACM Conferences
      WWW '20: Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2020
      April 2020
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 20 April 2020


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      1. entity resolution
      2. graph representation
      3. neural networks


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      WWW '20
      WWW '20: The Web Conference 2020
      April 20 - 24, 2020
      Taipei, Taiwan

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      • (2024)Enriching Relations with Additional Attributes for ERProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3681954.368198717:11(3109-3123)Online publication date: 30-Aug-2024
      • (2023)A relation-aware heterogeneous graph convolutional network for relationship predictionInformation Sciences10.1016/j.ins.2022.12.059623(311-323)Online publication date: Apr-2023
      • (2023)TE-DyGE: Temporal Evolution-Enhanced Dynamic Graph Embedding NetworkDatabase Systems for Advanced Applications10.1007/978-3-031-30675-4_13(183-198)Online publication date: 17-Apr-2023
      • (2022)Entity Resolution in graph databases: comparison study2022 3rd International Conference on Embedded & Distributed Systems (EDiS)10.1109/EDiS57230.2022.9996480(111-116)Online publication date: 2-Nov-2022

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