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The Minos Computing Library: efficient parallel programming for extremely heterogeneous systems
Hardware specialization has become the silver bullet to achieve efficient high performance, from Systems-on-Chip systems, where hardware specialization can be "extreme", to large-scale HPC systems. As the complexity of the systems increases, so does the ...
Unveiling kernel concurrency in multiresolution filters on GPUs with an image processing DSL
Multiresolution filters, analyzing information at different scales, are crucial for many applications in digital image processing. The different space and time complexity at distinct scales in the unique pyramidal structure poses a challenge as well as ...
High-level hardware feature extraction for GPU performance prediction of stencils
High-level functional programming abstractions have started to show promising results for HPC (High-Performance Computing). Approaches such as Lift, Futhark or Delite have shown that it is possible to have both, high-level abstractions and performance, ...
GPGPU performance estimation for frequency scaling using cross-benchmarking
Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (D VFS) on General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) is now becoming one of the most significant techniques to balance computational performance and energy consumption. However, there are still few fast and ...
Automatic generation of specialized direct convolutions for mobile GPUs
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a powerful and versatile tool for performing computer vision tasks in both resource constrained settings and server-side applications. Most GPU hardware vendors provide highly tuned libraries for CNNs such as ...
Custom code generation for a graph DSL
We present challenges faced in making a domain-specific language (DSL) for graph algorithms adapt to varying requirements of generating a spectrum of efficient parallel codes. Graph algorithms are at the heart of several applications, and achieving high ...
Automated test generation for OpenCL kernels using fuzzing and constraint solving
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are massively parallel processors offering performance acceleration and energy efficiency unmatched by current processors (CPUs) in computers. These advantages along with recent advances in the programmability of GPUs ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 13th Annual Workshop on General Purpose Processing using Graphics Processing Unit
Automatic processing of synonymy
RIAO '97: Computer-Assisted Information Searching on Internet - Volume 2La réflexion linguistique sur la synonymie a une longue histoire et remonte à l'Antiquité (cf. Chantal Girardin, à paraître). Les premiers lexiques dans le cadre des langues romanes (Gloses de Reichenau) constituent en fait des listes de synonymes ...