Cited By
View all- Yang YXia XLo DBi TGrundy JYang X(2022)Predictive Models in Software Engineering: Challenges and OpportunitiesACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology10.1145/350350931:3(1-72)Online publication date: 9-Apr-2022
Background: Many software bug prediction models have been proposed and evaluated on a set of well-known benchmark datasets. We conducted pilot studies on the widely used benchmark datasets and observed common issues among them. Specifically, most of ...
Predicting bug-fix time is useful in several areas of software evolution, such as predicting software quality or coordinating development effort during bug triaging. Prior work has proposed bug-fix time prediction models that use various bug report ...
Bug fixing is an essential activity in the software maintenance, because most of the software systems have unavoidable defects. When new bugs are submitted, triagers have to find and assign appropriate developers to fix the bugs. However, if the bugs are ...
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