Cited By
View all- Baisch SKolling T(2021)Roboter in der TherapieSoziale Roboter10.1007/978-3-658-31114-8_22(417-440)Online publication date: 5-Nov-2021
Adherence to repetitive rehabilitation exercises is important in motor recovery after stroke. Similarly, repetitive solo practice exercises can improve the skill level of sports players. In both of these scenarios, regular human coaching has benefits, ...
Recent research is emerging in the field of Social Robotics where robots have the potential to serve as tools to improve human well-being. However, research exploring the expectations and perceptions of prospective users of such robots, and the ...
Game based approaches and especially gamification are an emerging topic within the field of motivational design at the workplace. The motivational potential of games was suggested to be based in motivational psychology. So far this is an active field of ...
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