Cited By
View all- Mikawa MChen HFujisawa M(2020)Face Memorization Using AIM Model for Mobile Robot and Its Application to Name Calling FunctionSensors10.3390/s2022662920:22(6629)Online publication date: 19-Nov-2020
This paper explores the intersection of three areas: interactive robots, face recognition, and online social networks, by presenting and discussing an implemented real-world system that combines all three, a “FaceBots” robot. Our robot is a mobile robot ...
This study unearths the motives for YouTube user engagement that has been conceptualized as active participation and passive content consumption. In light of the Uses and Gratifications framework, a sample of 1143 registered YouTube users completed ...
There is a growing trend of social robots to move into the human environment. This research is set up to find the trends within social robotic designs. A sample of social robotic designs is drawn to investigate on whether there are more legged social ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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