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Robonomics: The Study of Robot-Human Peer-to-Peer Financial Transactions and Agreements

Published: 01 April 2020 Publication History


Can or should a robot ever engage in a financial transaction with a human? If so, how? How about an enforceable agreement? Blockchain technology has enabled the development of cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and unlocked a plethora of other disruptive technologies. But, beyond its use case in cryptocurrencies, and in network coordination, blockchain technology may have serious sociotechnical implications in the future co-existence of robots and humans. Motivated by the recent explosion of interest around blockchains, and our extensive work on open-source blockchain technology and its integration into robotics - this paper addresses these questions and provides insights into how blockchains and other decentralized technologies can impact our interactions with robots and enable the social integration of robots into human society.


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cover image ACM Conferences
HRI '20: Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
March 2020
702 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 April 2020


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Author Tags

  1. behavioral economics
  2. blockchain
  3. contracts
  4. cryptocurrencies
  5. cryptoeconomics
  6. financial transactions
  7. human-robot interaction
  8. interaction models
  9. robonomics
  10. robots in society
  11. smart contracts
  12. social robotics
  13. trust


  • Research-article


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