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Text2SceneVR: Generating Hypertexts with VAnnotatoR as a Pre-processing Step for Text2Scene Systems

Published: 13 July 2020 Publication History


The automatic generation of digital scenes from texts is a central task of computer science. This task requires a kind of text comprehension, the automation of which is tied to the availability of sufficiently large, diverse and deeply annotated data, which is freely available. This paper introduces Text2SceneVR, a system that addresses this bottleneck problem by allowing its users to create a sort of spatial hypertexts in Virtual Reality (VR). We describe Text2SceneVR's data model, its user interface and a number of problems related to the implicitness of natural language in the manifestation of spatial relations that Text2SceneVR aims to address while trying to remain language independent. Finally, we present a user study with which we evaluated Text2SceneVR.


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        HT '20: Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media
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