Cited By
View all- Chen QFan KZhang KWang HLi HYang Y(2020)Privacy-preserving searchable encryption in the intelligent edge computingComputer Communications10.1016/j.comcom.2020.09.012164(31-41)Online publication date: Dec-2020
Threshold public-key encryption (threshold PKE) has various useful applications. A lot of threshold PKE schemes are proposed based on RSA, Diffie–Hellman and lattice, but to the best of our knowledge, code-based threshold PKEs have not been ...
In a cipher text-policy ABE (CP-ABE) scheme, an encrypt or can express any access policy, stating what kind of receivers will be able to decrypt the message in the encryption algorithm. In most CP-ABE schemes, the size of cipher texts is not constant, ...
Affine message authentication code (MAC) and delegatable affine MAC turn out to be useful tools for constructing identity-based encryption (IBE) and hierarchical IBE (HIBE), as shown in Blazy, Kiltz and Pan's (BKP) creative work in CRYPTO (2014). An ...
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