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View all- Rosário A(2022)Implications of 5G Technology in MarketingPromoting Organizational Performance Through 5G and Agile Marketing10.4018/978-1-6684-5523-4.ch001(1-27)Online publication date: 30-Sep-2022
Social media and online firms are currently facing severe challenges generating revenue through online banner ads, and for two decades, current studies in the information systems, advertising, and marketing literature have shown that online banner ad ...
Due to the development and maturity of mobile devices and wireless network techniques, mobile devices have become the most personal medium available, and have led to new marketing applications and activities. Mobile advertising is considered as the most ...
Models of advertising response implicitly assume that the entire advertising budget is spent on disseminating one message. In practice, managers use different themes of advertising for example, price advertisements versus product advertisements and ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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