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AuthPDB: Authentication of Probabilistic Queries on Outsourced Uncertain Data

Published: 16 March 2020 Publication History


Query processing over uncertain data has gained much attention recently. Due to the high computational complexity of query evaluation on uncertain data, the data owner can outsource her data to a server that provides query evaluation as a service. However, a dishonest server may return cheap (and incorrect) query answers, hoping that the client who has weak computational power cannot catch the incorrect results. To address the integrity issue, in this paper, we design AuthPDB, a framework that supports efficient authentication of query evaluation for both all-answer and top-k queries on outsourced probabilistic databases. Our empirical results on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of AuthPDB.


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  • (2021)Verifiable Query Processing Over Outsourced Social GraphIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking10.1109/TNET.2021.308557429:5(2313-2326)Online publication date: 18-Jun-2021



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cover image ACM Conferences
CODASPY '20: Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy
March 2020
392 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 16 March 2020


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  1. data outsourcing
  2. data security
  3. integrity verification
  4. probabilistic database


  • Research-article

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  • (2021)Verifiable Query Processing Over Outsourced Social GraphIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking10.1109/TNET.2021.308557429:5(2313-2326)Online publication date: 18-Jun-2021

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