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Perceived-Value-driven Optimization of Energy Consumption in Smart Homes

Published: 09 April 2020 Publication History


Residential energy consumption has been rising rapidly during the last few decades. Several research efforts have been made to reduce residential energy consumption, including demand response and smart residential environments. However, recent research has shown that these approaches may actually cause an increase in the overall consumption, due to the complex psychological processes that occur when human users interact with these energy management systems. In this article, using an interdisciplinary approach, we introduce a perceived-value driven framework for energy management in smart residential environments that considers how users perceive values of different appliances and how the use of some appliances are contingent on the use of others. We define a perceived-value user utility used as an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. We show that the problem is NP-Hard and provide a heuristic method called COndensed DependencY (CODY). We validate our results using synthetic and real datasets, large-scale online experiments, and a real-field experiment at the Missouri University of Science and Technology Solar Village. Simulation results show that our approach achieves near optimal performance and significantly outperforms previously proposed solutions. Results from our online and real-field experiments also show that users largely prefer our solution compared to a previous approach.


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    ACM Transactions on Internet of Things  Volume 1, Issue 2
    May 2020
    176 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Published: 09 April 2020
    Accepted: 01 November 2019
    Revised: 01 September 2019
    Received: 01 January 2019
    Published in TIOT Volume 1, Issue 2


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    1. Smart homes
    2. energy consumption
    3. perceived-value driven optimization


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