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View all- Raffel LAllert HRichter C(2022)Mitgestaltungskompetenz als eine Grundlage kritischer Datenkompetenzmerz | medien + erziehung10.21240/merz/2022.6.1166:6(120-132)Online publication date: 16-Nov-2022
This paper discusses the role and relevance of reuse repositories and how software reuse influences software development. Reuse repositories are designed to increase the possibility of locating reusable components at a centralized location to ease ...
This article presents metrics from two Hewlett-Packard (HP) reuse programs that document the improved quality, increased productivity, shortened time-to-market, and enhanced economics resulting from reuse. Work products are the products or by-products ...
Software reuse means reusing the inputs, the processes, and the outputs of previous software development efforts. Software reuse is a means toward an end: improving software development productivity and software product quality. Effective management of ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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