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AcademicMindtrek '20: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Academic Mindtrek
ACM2020 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
AcademicMindtrek '20: Academic Mindtrek 2020 Tampere Finland January 29 - 30, 2020
06 February 2020
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The International Academic Mindtrek is a meeting place where researchers, experts and thinkers present results from their latest work regarding the development of novel technology, media and digital culture for the society of tomorrow.

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SESSION: Robotics
"The superhero of the university": experience-driven design and field study of the university guidance robot

Robots have recently gained popularity in customer service. Especially social robots are nowadays utilized in healthcare, elderly homes and schools. Although it is crucial to design social robots according to well-defined user experience goals, research ...

Color game: a collaborative social robotic game for icebreaking; towards the design of robotic ambiences as part of smart building services

Social robots are entering our workplaces, homes, medical and educational systems in assistive and collaborative roles. In our research, we have investigated the use of a social robot Pepper as an interactive icebreaker host to create a positive ...

SESSION: Online economics
Drug traders on a local dark web marketplace

This article uses the concepts of habitus and way of life to analyze cultural and socioeconomic factors related to the lives of drug users who utilize a Finnish dark web site. It draws on a set of 9300 posts on that site, Sipulitori, to understand the ...

Open Access
Predicting the success of news: Using an ML-based language model in predicting the performance of news articles before publishing

Traditional recommendation systems have limited possibilities to optimise business value in editorial decision making in news production, as they select the recommendations only from the content whose production has been decided editorially in the daily ...

Emerging personalization elements in health service delivery: a case study in the finnish primary healthcare

Healthcare emphasizes the importance to treat each healthcare user as a unique individual. This paper reports a case study, where we asked healthcare professionals to rationalize their work practices and the role of information technology (IT) once they ...

Enabling successful crowdfunding for entrepreneurs in marginalized communities

Crowdfunding is increasingly hailed as enabler of entrepreneurial activities in emerging economies, but micro-entrepreneurs in such countries often lack the required knowledge and skills to adopt crowdfunding activities. This paper provides insights on ...

SESSION: Games and gamification
Defining playability of games: functionality, usability, and gameplay

Playability is an ambiguous term that is often used but seldom defined. Used by researchers, practitioners, journalists, and players alike, the term has remained unclear due to different interpretations and definitions. We aim to provide clarity on this ...

A preliminary network analysis on steam game tags: another way of understanding game genres

Video game genre classification has long been a focusing perspective in game studies domain. Despite the commonly acknowledged usefulness of genre classification, scholars in the game studies domain are yet to reach consensus on the game genre ...

Demographic differences in accumulated types of capital in massively multiplayer online role-playing games

This paper examines how the demographic attributes and extra-game habits of players of a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) predict the accumulated capital of their avatars. An online survey (N=905) was conducted amidst the players ...

In and out domains: Playful principles to in-form urban solutions; a dialogue between architects and game scholars

The implementation of games in architecture and urban planning has a long history since the 1960s and is still a preferential tool to foster public participation and address contemporary spatial - and social - conflicts within the urban fabric. Moreover,...

IGDA finland hubs and their role in local game development

Game development is often considered to be a community-based industry, where social networks and flow of information are vital to both individual and company development. The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) works to promote and support ...

SESSION: Extended reality
Scalable and responsive information for industrial maintenance work: developing XR support on smart glasses for maintenance technicians

This paper describes the process and results of bringing responsive and scalable technical documentation to smart glasses to support industrial maintenance. Development and testing was done in four development cycles to discover how maintenance ...

Local foodie: experience design of a mobile augmented reality application for tourists to encourage local food consumption

Food is an essential part of travel experience. Consumption of locally produced food while traveling has the two-fold benefit of providing insight into the local culture and increasing the sustainability of tourism. However, finding local food often ...

Satisfaction and willingness to consume immersive journalism: experiment of differences between VR, 360 video, and article

Immersive journalism has been touted to revolutionize journalism due to its ability to afford a multi-modal engrossing experience. However, hardly any experiments have been conducted whether consumers' satisfaction and consequent intentions to use ...

Transferring scents over a communication network

In our work on scent technology, we have come across technology that can be used, in a limited way, to achieve scent transfer. In this paper, we document the scent transfer demonstration that we constructed for a science fair in 2018.

Scent transfer ...

User experience of stereo and spatial audio in 360° live music videos

360° music videos are becoming prevalent in music entertainment. Still, academic studies of the 360° live music experience covering both audio and visual experience are scarce. In this paper, we present a study of user experience of stereo and spatial ...

AI for all: defining the what, why, and how of inclusive AI

There has been a growing awareness of Artificial Intelligence's (AI) inherent biases, limitations, and the challenges in overcoming them. As AI is integrated into to all things technical, there is a valid concern over its diversity, inclusiveness, and ...

Innovation challenges as a novel multidisciplinary learning platform

Innovation Challenges is a new course offered for the whole Tampere university community by Y-kampus entrepreneurship and innovation services, for the first time in fall 2019. Innovation Challenges offers practice-based cases that allow students to ...

Learning analytics of CS0 students programming errors: the case of data science minor

In this work, I report the preliminary results and further research design of the study on coding errors in the first year of Data Science Minor course. The larger aim of the project is the analysis of changes in the amount, type, and complexity of ...

Testing VR headset cameras for capturing written content

Virtual reality (VR) has become an important tool for providing immersive and collaborative teleprensence experiences. The technology has the possibility of bringing people in different geographical places together in an immersive way and makes sharing ...

VR or non-VR?: investigating influence of the virtual environment medium on persuasive gamification outcomes

In this paper, we aim to research how a choice of a gamification medium influences the users' psychological and behavioral experiences which are also gamification outcomes. We discuss gamification, its components, persuasive systems, cognitive ...

Tactile feedback on mid-air gestural interaction with a large fogscreen

Projected walk-through fogscreens can be used to render user interfaces, but lack inherent tactile feedback, thus hindering the user experience. This study examines this by investigating wireless wearable vibrotactile feedback on mid-air hand gesture ...

Playable (research) concepts workshop: translating your topics into tiny games

In this workshop, the participants bring their own research topics and concepts to create small games with the game making tool - Construct 3. We invite the participants of Academic Mindtrek to think about and experiment with how, for instance, figures ...

Social human-robot interaction in the wild: a workshop proposal for academic mindtrek 2020

This workshop will collect experts and stakeholders from all fields of human-robot interaction: both social and industrial applications and uses of robotics are of interest as far as they have human in the loop. The workshop will present recent and ...

  • Tampere University

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Academic Mindtrek
      Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.


      Acceptance Rates

      AcademicMindtrek '20 Paper Acceptance Rate 24 of 45 submissions, 53%;
      Overall Acceptance Rate 110 of 207 submissions, 53%
      AcademicMindtrek '20452453%
      Mindtrek '18683450%
      AcademicMindTrek '15513365%
      MindTrek '12431944%