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View all- Jimenez JErrabo D(2024)Cross-Cultural Biology Teaching Using Next-Generation Science StandardsEducation Sciences10.3390/educsci1411124314:11(1243)Online publication date: 13-Nov-2024
Learners at the fore-front of the educative process are expected to acquire relevant skills essential to abreast the demands of the changing world. Recently, the Philippines has acted upon reforms to capacitate the demands of quality education. However, ...
A number of cognate disciplines, such as science and technology studies and media studies, appear to be turning to practice theories as a theoretical perspective. Using Schatzki's work as a starting point, this conceptual paper explores the practice ...
Citizen science is a form of research collaboration that actively involves the public in scientific research to address real-world problems. Research designed specifically for public participation is a form of information work for which the design of ...
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