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View all- Kadoić NBegičević Ređep NKupres D(2023)Using SNAP to Analyze Policy Measures in e-Learning RoadmapsAxioms10.3390/axioms1212111012:12(1110)Online publication date: 11-Dec-2023
The global proliferation of mobile technology has become an important resource that educational systems must leverage. Against the backdrop of listening learning for 144 first-year French language majors at a university in Guangxi, China, this study ...
Online International Learning OIL helps to integrate soft skills into the academic curriculum, as well as providing students with international interaction opportunities. In this article, we evaluate the extent to which telecollaborative writing tasks ...
With the growth of competition between nations in our knowledge-based world economy, excellence programs are becoming a national agenda item in developing as well as developed Asian countries. The main purpose of this paper is to compare the goals, ...
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