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View all- Mohamed FShoufan A(2022)Choosing YouTube Videos for Self-Directed LearningIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2022.317436810(51155-51166)Online publication date: 2022
Grammar seems to be the backbone of any foreign language learning, including English as a foreign language (EFL). Currently, the most common approach to teaching EFL, especially at a university level, appears to be a blended learning approach, ...
Exploring digital divide between students with learning disabilities (LD) and peers.No difference was found in ICT access between children with and without LD.A difference was found in ICT competencies between children with and without LD.Typical ...
Engagement is an essential aspect of students' success in learning. Even though students' engagement with learning has been widely investigated, the level of learners' online engagement and the relationship between learners' online engagement and their ...
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