Cited By
View all- Liang JSui WChen GRen HLi X(2023)Multi-Indicator Early-Warning Model for Mine Water Inrush at the Yushen Mining Area, Shaanxi Province, ChinaWater10.3390/w1522391015:22(3910)Online publication date: 9-Nov-2023
Data mining techniques have been used for various aspects of the financial market, such as prediction on stock index and price, portfolio risk management, and trend detection. In the stock market, there are a huge amount of data, including firms' ...
We develop a multiple fuzzy inference systems framework for daily stock trading.We apply the framework to NASDAQ stock exchange data.Gives an increase in profit return with decrease in the number of days of observations.Including earnings per share to ...
We measure misvaluation using the discounted residual income model. As shown in the literature, this measure of stocks' misvaluation significantly explains their future cross-sectional returns. We measure the market-level misvaluation market ...
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