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Evolutionary NetArchitecture Search for Deep Neural Networks Pruning

Published: 07 February 2020 Publication History


Network pruning is an architecture search process to determine the state (remove/remain) of neurons in the network. It is a com- binatorial optimization problem, and this combinatorial optimiza- tion problem is NP-hard. Most existing pruning methods prune channels/neurons based on the assumption that they are indepen- dent in network. However, there exists dependency among chan- nels/neurons. We try to solve the combinatorial optimization problem by evolutionary algorithm (EA). However, the traditional EA can't be used directly into deep neural networks (DNNs) because the problem dimension is too high. Attention mechanism (AM) can help us get parameter important score to reduce prob- lem difficulty, making the architecture search process more effective. Therefore, combining EA and AM, we propose an Evolutionary NetArchitecture Search (EvoNAS) method to solve network pruning problem. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on common datasets with ResNet, ResNeXt, and VGG. For example, for ResNet on CIFAR-10, EvoNAS reduces 73.40% computing operations and 73.95% parameters with 0.13% test accuracy increasement. Compared with the state-of-the-art methods, EvoNAS increases 30% reduction ratio at least.


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ACAI '19: Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence
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  • Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong


Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 07 February 2020


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  1. Attention mechanism
  2. Convolutional neural networks
  3. Evolutionary algorithm
  4. Network compression
  5. Network pruning


  • Research-article
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