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SlotSwapper: a schedule randomization protocol for real-time WirelessHART networks

Published: 06 January 2020 Publication History


Industrial process control systems are time-critical systems where reliable communications between sensors and actuators need to be guaranteed within strict deadlines to maintain safe operation of all the components of the system. WirelessHART is the most widely adopted standard which serves as the medium of communication in industrial setups due to its support for Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) based communication, multiple channels, channel hopping, centralized architecture, redundant routes and avoidance of spatial re-use of channels. However, the communication schedule in WirelessHART network is decided by a centralized network manager at the time of network initialization and the same communication schedule repeats every hyper-period. Due to predictability in the time slots of the communication schedule, these systems are vulnerable to timing attacks which eventually can disrupt the safety of the system. In this work, we present a moving target defense mechanism, the SlotSwapper, which uses schedule randomization techniques to randomize the time slots over a hyper-period schedule, while still preserving all the feasibility constraints of a real-time WirelessHART network and makes the schedule uncertain every hyper-period. We tested the feasibility of the generated schedules on random topologies with 100 simulated motes in Cooja simulator. We use schedule entropy to measure the confidentiality of our algorithm in terms of randomness in the time slots of the generated schedules.


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Published In

cover image ACM SIGBED Review
ACM SIGBED Review  Volume 16, Issue 4
Special Issue on International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 19)
December 2019
30 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 06 January 2020
Published in SIGBED Volume 16, Issue 4

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Author Tags

  1. WirelessHART
  2. entropy
  3. randomization
  4. schedule


  • Research-article


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  • (2023)Online Schedule Randomization to Mitigate Timing Attacks in 5G Periodic URLLC CommunicationsACM Transactions on Sensor Networks10.1145/360009319:4(1-26)Online publication date: 29-May-2023
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